Gallery 7 Theatre

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    When you give to Gallery 7 Theatre, you are helping us continue our mission of producing quality theatre for the heart, soul and mind.

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    Message from Ken

    Ken Hildebrandt
    Ken Hildebrandt

    What an incredible year of theatre! Our 2023-2024 “Heart of Community” season has officially ended and with our fiscal year end on the very near horizon, we are celebrating an artistically and financially successful year.

    Some quick highlights:

    • Over 12,000 individual and subscription tickets sold.
    • Five entertaining and impactful mainstage shows exploring living and participating in community produced.
    • An all-new G7 Comedy Fest featuring all-ages stand-up comedy and improv presented.
    • First ever world premier of a play developed in collaboration with a local playwright produced.
    • A full-time Business & Operations Manager welcomed to the team.

    Early indications are that we will end the season with a modest surplus. How amazing! For this, we have you, our valued patrons, sponsors, volunteers, staff & donors, to thank. I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: it takes a community to raise and sustain a theatre, and I can’t express enough how much I appreciate every one of you for your ongoing engagement and support.

    Ongoing Needs of the Organization

    As I celebrate the season with a heart full of thankfulness, I am reminded that breaking even or achieving a modest surplus is never guaranteed year to year. We must remain diligent to ensure continued growth and sustainability of our organization, and to address some longer-term needs by investing in our future as a theatre company today.

    Needs such as:

    • Purchasing a sea-can container to store additional set & furniture pieces to lower set costs and increase production efficiencies;
    • Securing a rental unit for our props and costumes to make more space available in our sometimes cramped administration and rehearsal hall for rehearsals and other activities;
    • Ensuring there is an emergency fund to absorb unexpected increases in costs and/or to navigate operational disruptions outside of our control;
    • Replacing outdated computers and equipment so staff and volunteers have the necessary resources to operate at maximum productivity.

    Each of these items may not seem like much, but over the long term they add up to a brighter and more sustainable future for our organization.

    Your donation is an investment in our future

    Gallery 7 Theatre operates on a shoe-string budget. Ticket sales account for about 70% of our revenues.

    To meet our financial obligations, to continue offering a diverse program of commercially appealing and artistically compelling theatre, to ensure future growth and sustainability, and to tackle long-term needs such as the ones listed above, we need to fundraise through grants, sponsorships, and donations provided by generous donors such as yourself.

    As we close out the fiscal year, I invite you to think of your donation as an investment in Gallery 7 Theatre's future—an investment you can make today with a donation of any amount. Every dollar received is used in our long-term mandate to create thought-provoking and entertaining theatre that encourages the spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual health of our community.

    Our target

    This fiscal year, our goal was to raise $35,000 by June 30th. We have $15,000 to go to reach this target.

    To celebrate the success of this past season, to help us tackle the long-term needs listed above, please consider donating in one of the following ways:

    Ways to donate

    Set-Up a Monthly Giving Plan:

    Regular monthly donations allow you to spread your investment over the course of a year. This helps you manage your cash flow and ensures a reliable and steady cash flow for us.

    Make a Single Donation:

    Single donations help us cover up front administrative and marketing costs early in the season before ticket revenues have a chance to catch up. You can add this donation to your subscription order, or you can submit it independently.

    Ready to invest?

    In addition to the online form above, there are several ways to donate to our cause:

    By Phone:
    Call us at 604-504-5940

    By Mail:
    Send your cheque to Gallery 7 Theatre
    P.O. Box 825
    Abbotsford, BC
    V2T 7A2

    Your support is a tremendous affirmation of the mission and vision of Gallery 7 Theatre, and it ensures we can continue offering this venue of excellent theatre that brings the community together, provides a life-affirming space for participants and engages the community with inspiring story-telling the stirs the heart, challenges the mind and elevates the soul.

    Ken Hildebrandt

    Managing Artistic Director

    Progress to our goal

    Goal: $15,000

    Raised so far: $25 + $50 + $25 + $50 + $300 + $50 + $100 +$100 + $100 + $100 + $50 + $100 + $50 + $200 + $36 + $100 + $50 + $100 + $500 + $200 + $50 + $100 + $25 + $100 + $500 + $1,500 = $4,561.00

    Still to go: $10,439

    How your support helps

    Magician's Nephew
    • Continue producing quality theatre for the heart, soul, and mind
    • Continue providing a safe, healthy, and life-affirming space for artists and technicians to pursue their craft
    • Contribute to the social, intellectual, spiritual, and economic health of our community.
    • Hit our fiscal year target of $35,000
    • Cover season costs such as performance licenses (The Secret Garden alone costs close to $8,000!), salaries, graphic designs, marketing materials, insurance, and other overhead costs essential to keeping the doors open

    Ways to Contribute

    It's a Wonderful Life

    There are plenty of ways to contribute:

    • Online (use the form at the top of this page)
    • Phone – Call 604-504-5940
    • Mail – Send cheque to Gallery 7 Theatre, P.O. Box 825, Abbotsford, BC V2T 7A2
    • Add a donation to your subscription!

    Make a single donation or set-up a monthly giving plan – it’s entirely up to you!

    Why local theatre matters

    Become a monthly donor

    Join a community of people who support the theatre on an ongoing basis. With your support, we can ensure that Gallery 7 Theatre continues to contribute to the wellbeing of our community and provides a safe, healthy, and life-affirming space for artists and technicians to pursue their craft.

    Last Train to Nibroc