Express yourself, either on-stage or behind the scenes.

Volunteer Opportunities
We are always looking for dedicated individuals looking to express themselves, either on-stage or behind the scenes.
Check out the list below to see where you might like to fit in and then send us an email to info@gallery7theatre.com with the following information:
- First & Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- The position you are interested in
- Experience & training you may have
- Any other information you think we should know.
Positions Available
- Actor
- Costume Designer
- Director
- Lighting Designer
- Make-up Designer
- Set Designer
- Sound Designer
- Assistant Stage Manager - Props
- Assistant Stage Manager - Costumes
- Lighting Operator
- Props Manager
- Sound Operator
- Stage Manager
- Board Member
- Box Office Assistant
- Caring for Cast and Crew
- Concession Assistant
- Usher
- House Manager
Send Us A Message
All interested volunteers should read and agree to champion our mission statement. Experience is not necessary, but always helpful. If you are interested in any of the positions listed above, please give us a call at (604) 504-5940, e-mail us at info@gallery7theatre.com, or fill out the form below!